
"an act or remark that is calculated to gain an advantage, especially at the outset of a situation."

Although here at dataGambit we like playing Chess, our name promotes three important principles:




Data Governance

We craft data strategies tightly bound with your organisational goals.  We consult on the data management aspect of privacy compliance 

Data Modelling

We use modelling to help you clarify the business needs | refine solution requirements | provide technical specifications for your software apps or BI solutions

Data solution Architecture

We have much experience in implementing complex data management solutions, so our designs comes with wisdom and know-how


Actively involved in DAMA community to promote learning, collaboration and training.  We work with some of SA's largest data practices and technology vendors where applicable

our Company

We are a Data Management Consultancy and Network with deep industry experience in advising, shaping, designing and building software solutions dealing with data.


We help corporate customers...

We have experience in many industries including Health, Retail, Financial, Higher Education, Logistics and Telecommunications


DATA Governance Leader

You need to... 

... make sure your organisation derives more value from its data.

... be compliant with privacy laws like POPIA and GDRP.

... plan, create roadmap, help your team to row in the same direction.

How can we help?

We favour a collaborative but standards-based approach to craft a strategy and roadmap to help you focus your efforts on using data to benefit the business.

Don't get stuck in too much theoretical detail, let us help with a clear picture to pave the forward where data supports your business objectives and be with privacy laws.


Data Project Leader

You need to...

... increase operational efficiency or fix broken process.

... address BI/Reporting/Analytical problems.

... avoid failing compliance audits.

How can we help?

We have much experience in designing solutions and data products dealing with Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Data Governance, Master Data Management and  Metadata Management.

Data projects fail easily for lots of reasons.  Don't learn about those reasons first hand.

Let us help with planning your roadmap, architecting and implementing your BI/DWH/MDM solution


Data Training Leader

You need to...

... increase the data related skills within your organisation.

... increase the data management maturity levels for your teams.

... invest in training and upskilling.

How can we help?

We are CDMP certified, as well as certified by the Data Modeling Institute led by well-known trainer and author Steve Hoberman.  Together with Modelware Systems we offer DAMA (Data Management Association) - aligned training in Data Modelling, Master Data Management, Data Governance, Data Strategies, Data Maturity Assessments, Data Management Fundmentals, and more.

This training is shaped toward both giving you practical skills that you can use directly in the workplace.  It will also help prepare you for your CDMP certification, increasingly becoming a necessity to be appointed in good data-related positions.

We help sme/startups...

We understand the SME and Startup culture, and adjust our style and approach to accommodate you


App Designers (General)

You need to...

... develop modern applications with careful consideration of the data management aspect - not doing this is professional suicide.  Designs that treat data as a first class citizen has better UX and provide developers with valuable insights into the use of their apps.

How can we help?

We bring data design to your sprints without derailing your agile workstreams or stealing attention away from your developers.

We confirm the user needs and the wider context.  We bring the missing link between user requirements and data dependencies.

Our approach creates a deeper awareness into the user experience and needs.  We refine functional requirements and make sure designs cater for potential future data/reporting/dashboarding requirements.


App Designers (Analytics)

You need to...

... give users valuable reports, dashboards or other insights to enhance their experience as part of the app.

... learn as much as possible from how your users experience and interact with your products, getting insights from the aggregation of this data.

How can we help?

Data Design lies at the heart of meeting these needs, and must be incorporated into your products from the start.

We collect and define BI/Analytics requirements, provide input into product features and candidate options, and design BI and Analytics solutions components for your applications.


SME/App Designers (PRIVACY)

You need to...

... comply with local and international privacy laws.  

... legally and ethically get more value from your data, especially if you have aggregated and anonymised it (see BI and Report solutions).  

How can we help?

Contact us to help with a risk and exposure assessment.  

We advise on a privacy compliant data architecture.  

We can fulfil a data architect role in your business or development teams.
